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World Statistics Day’s Background

The United Nations General Assembly adopted on 3 June 2010 which officially designated 20 October 2010 as the first ever World Statistics Day under the theme “Celebrating the Many Contributions and Achievements of Official Statistics”. The first World Statistics Day (20-10-2010) was celebrated in over 130 countries and areas including Malaysia, to raise awareness of the many achievements of official statistics premised on the core value of service, professionalism and integrity.

On 3 June 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution officially designating 20 October 2015 as the second World Statistics Day, under the general theme “Better data. Better lives”. In addition, the General Assembly decided to celebrate World Statistics Day on 20 October every five years.

This programme is conducted to celebrate the many achievements of official statistics and the core values of service, integrity and professionalism, while recognizing that each country may develop its own national theme, taking into account national priorities and circumstances.