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Establishment Survey

  1. Why is there a need to conduct establishment surveys?
    The Department of Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) compiles a wide range of economic and labour statistics through conducting establishment surveys. The survey data are used by both the Government and the private sector in formulating policies and making decisions for economic development.
  2. Why can't DOSM retrieve the required information from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM)?
    DOSM cannot exchange information with any other government departments, agencies including IRBM or to other persons for whatever purpose. All information relating to individual establishments will be kept in strict confidence.
  3. My audited accounts are not yet available. Can I be excused from the survey?
    Even though figures from audited accounts are preferred, figures based on preliminary accounts or best estimates available are also acceptable.
  4. I have been responding for a long period of time. Can I be replaced by another establishment?
    The survey samples are selected by scientific and probability-based statistical methods. We cannot purposely add or remove any establishment to/from the sample, as this will affect the representativeness of the survey results.
  5. Will the information that I supply be disclosed to the public or other government departments?
    No. In accordance with the provisions of the Statistics Act 1965 (Revised -1989)  all information relating to individual establishments will be kept in strict confidence and not be released to any unauthorised parties including government departments and agencies. The collected information will be used for statistical purposes only. Only aggregate data, which do not reveal details of individual establishments, will be released.
  6. Why is my establishment selected in more than one survey?
    Surveys are conducted on various topics of interest that are useful to policy makers and the business community. As the surveys may have different reference periods, levels of details and timeliness requirements, they cannot be integrated. For some establishments, because of their economic significance to the community, they have a higher chance of being selected in more than one establishment surveys.
  7. Is it mandatory to participate in the survey?
    Yes it is. The surveys are conducted in accordance to the  Statistics Act 1965 (Revised -1989)
  8. Can I reply after the deadline?
    Timely statistics is of great importance especially to policy makers, whether the Government or private sector. We would like to seek your cooperation in responding to our survey before the deadline.
  9. Can I complete and return the questionnaire electronically?
    Yes. Electronic questionnaire templates are available for surveys conducted by DOSM. Upon your request, such templates will be delivered to you via email or visit to your establishment. You can return the completed templates to us by email or give them to our officer during his/her visit. In returning the completed template by email, you are advised to add electronic signature and encrypt with the use of a digital certificate so as to protect the confidentiality of your supplied data: E -Survey