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National Occupational Accident and Disease Statistics

Big Data Analytics: National Occupational Accident and Disease Statistics contains information on occupational accident rates detailing the type of accidents and injuries, cause of the accident, industry and states. These statistics are based on occupational accident data provided by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and Social Security Organisation (SOCSO), Ministry of Human Resources.

Statistics on occupational accidents are crucial to assess on how safe and secure the workplace and working environments. They inform workers' exposure to risks at work and reveal which groups of workers are the most vulnerable.

These statistics help policymakers in concentrating their efforts so that measures taken are as impactful as possible, for instance, by designing specific safety campaigns or more effectively targeted inspection visits. Also, statistics are helpful to identify new hazards and emerging risks.

Although the main objective of occupational accidents statistics is perhaps to provide information for prevention purposes, they may also be used for a number of other purposes, such as estimating the consequences of occupational accidents (for instance, in terms of workdays lost, income lost or production lost), which in turn can raise awareness on the importance of occupational safety and health. In adopting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals contained in it, the international community recognised the importance of statistics and monitoring in the achievement of the goals. With that in mind, a Global Indicator Framework was designed to monitor progress towards the achievement of each Sustainable Development Goal and Target. Regarding Target 8.8 on protecting labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, this indicator framework includes an indicator on the fatal and non-fatal occupational injury rates.